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What's New with My Site? My sent e-mail that I send out. Plus problems with this web site like the page title "Page" should read "June 6, 1944 6:30 AM" for some reason the program is not working on-line to change the title for now.

Another problem I have is a report from Coast To Coast AM by George Noory on June 5, 2004. A young 18 year old woman that loved to hear Coast to Coast AM was killed by a DRUNK DRIVER on June 3, 2004. This drunk driver hit her with a SUV going 100 miles per hour hitting her in the drivers door. Here in the state of Missouri it is lawful to carry a firearm in a vehicle maybe it is time to have a bounty on drunk drivers like the government did on Saddam Hussein and Terrorist because drunk drivers are terrorist behind the wheel. By the way the young lady's birthday was May 3rd or do you even care. Maybe you will be next to die in the drunk driver war.

Distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in American Freedom by receiving the included information for research and educational purposes to make you think just as long this Copyright content is not changed.

Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 20:55:54 -0600
Subject: Amendment 1: US State Department's illegal web site
Amendment 1
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Once again, the United States State Department is promoting the Muslim lifestyle. This time, they refrained from talking about the Koran. Even so, make no bones about it, the United States government is promoting Islam--something that is forbidden to them by the Constitution of the United States.
On 7/26/03 I was alarmed to know that the United States State Department had such a site but they did until it was closed down because We The People protested against this site. It is time to protest again! NOW!
Since the United States State Department wishes to break the law with this web site I belive it is time to take the United States State Department to court and to recall all of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senators that voted for the money to operate this web site.
This site is produced and maintained by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Information Programs.
Rev. James E. Smith

Are you tired of the U. S. Senate filibuster?

 Distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in American Freedom by receiving the included information for research and educational purposes to make you think just as long this Copyright content is not changed.

I would put this on my web site but more than likely if I did it would get shut down in a hurry.

So what I changed my mind!

If I was a unconstitutional member of the U. S. Senate this is what my part of the filibuster in the senate would be. More than likely most of you will not read all of this crap that I typed out let alone forward this to somebody that really cares about our Constitution you know that document made out of hemp paper in Washington D. C. and just think one day the DEA could come to get this scrap of hemp paper then burn it up in front of the TV cameras saying that it was illegal marijuana and should not be in America maybe this will or might wake some of you sheep up if you read this. Yes even you Joe 6 Pack or are you not man enough to read this then learn our Constitution then teach it to your children laws are broken every day by crooked politicians, judges, and the so called law enforcement that thumb their noses at our Constitution who let's this happen the plain and simple truth is all of us. What I typed below is pure mock fiction or at least I hope so I did not stay up all night I hope somebody did to tell the rest of us that the transcripts are right or wrong of what was said.

Rev. James E. Smith


Colleagues of the U. S. Senate:

I am delighted to present to you this part of our program for wasting Americans time and money to act like true jackasses that we are by both party's by this filibuster on both sides never mind those that are out of work because of our votes to pass NAFTA, and other job robing laws that we passed. At least we Senators saw to it to have a very good paycheck and the best health care that we Senators can vote for we even have the best retirement plain that we even voted for in the past Those that are out of work can go ahead and lose their homes just to live in the streets just maybe we might vote some welfare for them while we vote our self another raise, and a better retirement. Never mind the working poor while we Senators are having a great time sponging off the American public while sending billions of not worth a Continental dollars to other countries which this is only paper and ink besides haven't done diddly squat for the poor and impoverished Americans in their own communities is fine with us as we side step the issues they ask of us. Founders of our nation would gasp in horror what we have done in our past to allow our God given rights away due to alien terrorists that routinely use established alien smuggling pipelines across both the US-Mexico and US-Canada border, and giving aid to the enemy by buying their oil while letting our farmers get more impoverished than they are now by not letting them produce energy for our nation because the oil companies pay us those good bribes that we stuff in our Swiss bank accounts just so the American public will not find out about it as to keep them in the dark along with other things that we crooked politicians and evil illuminati's do behind their backs by blocking their freedom and dumming them down each passing year in public schools in a few years their IQ will be down to 54 and will not know the difference between their ass and a hole in the ground while we teach our children how to control the sheep and not the other way around. It is so good that there is 501c3 (non profit) to control those preachers what to preach and what not to preach because if they did preach what they should preach there would be 50 million Freedom loving Americans at our doorsteps dragging us out into the streets hanging us and regaining the Constitution as what it should be by not funding Americas demise with the laws that we pass. As to Freedom of the press there is none and it is one sided as to be liberal by only printing the half truths and not all the truth like the newspaper "Common Sense" all those years ago in the 1700's because if they did print the full truth like I said about preachers there would be 50 million Freedom loving Americans at our doorsteps dragging us out into the streets hanging us and regaining their Constitutional rights by rightful force. Some way some how we the government need to make more refinements like e-voteing at least with e-voteing we can have hackers to make those changes we need so the voters will think that is the way of the vote plus this way makes it easier than stuffing ballot boxes, and dropping chads etc... yak yak yak against our Constitutional rights.

Yes I could have gone longer to write a true filibuster but what's the point my point is most do not pay attention to what the government is doing or know who is behind the scene of who is doing what to whom and think about this before the government agents bust down your door to take your Bible, gold, firearms, and your rights away just to send you to a concentration camp because you did not follow the government's orders to become good sheep.

Rev. James E. Smith (non 501c3) Copyright 2003 AD

What's New With My Travels?

I update my site after each e- mail that I send out to my readers about what the government is doing bad. So, every now and then I will post it here; please check back frequently! I'm planning on doing a lot of photography when I feel like it.